Many people believe that only people without a roof i.e. street homeless are actually homeless. You do not have to be roofless to be threatened with homelessness and entitled to help and support to resolve your current housing circumstances. If you are homeless or are likely to become homeless in the next 56 days you can approach us for advice and assistance. We would prefer that you talk to us as soon as you become aware that your housing circumstances are changing.
Reasons why you might become threatened with homelessness:
Street Homeless, i.e. don’t have roof over your head
Your current accommodation is very temporary i.e. sofa surfing or moving between addresses
At risk of violence where you are currently living from partners, ex partners, family members or someone in the locality
Struggling to afford to stay where you are and suffering financial hardship
At risk of loosing your home i.e. being asked to leave or evicted
You have been locked out or evicted illegally
Your accommodation is in extremely poor condition and may even be hazardous
You have nowhere to put your caravan or houseboat
This list is not exhaustive, if in doubt contact us on 0121 717 1515 Select Option 2