What Would You Like To Do?
Safety in your home
Keeping your home safe and secure is our number one priority
My SCH Account
Login to access tenant services online
Are you homeless, threatened with homelessness or a landlord requiring our Solihome service?
Find a home
Apply for housing or a move and other home options
Pay your rent
Ways to pay and what to do if you are in arrears
Customer Voice
Your feedback is important in shaping our services
Get money advice
Help managing finances and advice on welfare benefits
Getting involved
Make your voice heard by getting involved with us
Explore our pendant alarms and home assessments to help you live independently at home
Complaints and compliments
How to log a complaint or compliment
Saxon Court
Luxury extra care scheme for people over the age of 55
Inclusive Services Register
Register today and tell us how we can adapt our services to suit you